Sunday, January 11, 2009

Show Notes Episode 10: A Little Gassy...And Squishy!

As the summer begins, it starts to get a little bit too hot for "The Garage". The sweltering Florida heat sucks about this time of the year. But we'll sweat it out for ya anyway.

Episode 10 was originally released to Loud, Fast and Shitty Podcast Show on June 22, 2008

Observations and show notes from this episode

1.We're A Little Drunk (again)

3. Garp

4. Ick feels something warm and squishy in his pants

Music Featured on Episode # 10

Jawbreaker - Busy
Descendents - Everything Sux
Hot Water Music - Turnstyle
Operation Ivy - Yellin' In My Ear
Defiance, Ohio - Hey Kathleen Are You Hungry
Cheap Sex - Raped By The FCC
Michale Graves - One Million Light Years From Home
Pennywise - 30 Seconds Until The End Of The World

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