Saturday, January 10, 2009

Show Notes Episode 3: Jesus Shops At Sweetbay

As we begin another episode, Mother Nature reared her ugly head as we started the recording. Power outages knocked out the power, so we just drank a little quicker. Conversations and music selection favor the flavor of Rancid.

Episode 3 was originally released to Loud, Fast and Shitty Podcast Show on April 6, 2008

Observations and show notes from this episode

1. Bob seems to be using as his main source of music.

2. Hopeless Records

3. There are 12 bands on MySpace with the name, "The Black Market"

4. McWang is a Scottish Pornstar

Music featured on Episode #3

Teenage Bottlerocket - Bottlerocket
Funeral Oration - Outside
The Have Nots - Cornerstone
The Black Market - Right For Life
Raised On Reagan - Note In A Bottle

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