Sunday, January 11, 2009

Show Notes Episode 7: What The Fuck Is A CD?

Well, we're officially back at it with another fresh new episode. We've even updated the page a bit, but its still just as plain as ever. Who cares...

Episode 7 was originally released to Loud, Fast and Shitty Podcast Show on May 19, 2008

Observations and show notes from this episode

1. Brand new unreleased track from H2O

2. Fat Music For Fat People

3. A CD is nothing more than a beer coaster

Music Featured on Episode # 7

Strung Out - Blackhawks Over Los Angeles
Face To Face - Disconnected
H2O - Fairweather Friend
Alkaline Trio - My Friend Peter
The Sainte Catherines - The Shape of Drunks To Come
Zero To Sixty - Catastrophe Awaits

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