Band of the Week

Sleeze - Rockford, IL

First let us introduce ourselves, We are SLEEZE from Rockford ILL. The current lineup consists of Isaac Hare on Lead Vocals, Micah Watz on Lead Guitar, Bruce Eklove on Bass Guitar, and last but not least, Josh Huston on Drums and Percussion. However this is not the original lineup. In the past year the members in this lineup accomplished more than any previous ones, including getting singed to a two year recording contract through Criminal Record, constantly writing fresh material, and finally getting our foot in the door of the music industry. And now we are trying to expand our connections within the market by promoting ourselves to record labels, producers, booking agencies, management companies, websites, and magazines; increasing our general knowledge of being successful band in our day and age. The steps we have taken to get to this point in our careers have been enjoyable and arduous simultaneously, over the last four years. The band went through many lineup changes over the first 3 years, and now has formed a balanced democracy between the 4 musicians. Isaac, being the only original member. During this time SLEEZE started carving its name into the Rockford underground music scene, with our evolving sound and image. Within the last year we have sent out thousands of emails promoting our music around the world, and as a result we have been hosted on several radio stations around the world in countries such as Norway, Australia, and multiple cities within the United States. And many shows of course. Currently we are busy with preproduction for our upcoming full length album entitled "SLEEZE". We are thankful for the opportunity to make great quality music for the world to enjoy and will be working extremely hard to record this album to the best of our abilities with the resources we have been given. We are also working on even more material, even though we have more than enough songs for both records. We are working on expanding our stock of available merchandise, including t-shirts,hoodies, hats, thongs, buttons, exc.. hopefully vinyl copies of the album. Our plans within the next couple years include an American Tour, writing better and more thought out material, and acquiring bigger and better connections within our reach. Were looking to expand beyond free social media websites and build a professional webpage that would in turn build our fan base, and increase our profit margin. But most of all we want to get better quality and more reliable equipment to improve our performing abilities, and not just musical gear, but also props to increase the theatrics of our overall live shows. So with this information we hope to strike an interest within you, the reader, of this explanation of what SLEEZE actually is, and what it has the undeniable potential to become. But you just got to hear it. News: Sleeze will be coming out with our first album under Criminal Rec, sometime in Sept-Oct of 2012. We are planing on our first tour, May 2013. We will keep you in tune on that. Really we have just been playing shows in the city of Chicago, Rockford, working our way up to Wisconsin, Southern Illinois. All that good shit. For updates on events add us on Facebook- SLEEZEY SLEEZE. History: In the summer of 09 with the smell of grape santa fes and the gonga filling up our lungs original members Isaac Hare "Vocals" Brandon Swanson "Lead Guitar" Cody Helfers "Drums" and Aaron Riley "Bass" decided it was the perfect time to write up some Slugey, Grimey, Riffs and what better name for it than SLEEZE, this was the beginning. Like every other band, you have the garage and basement days. At this time Rockford was comeing out with many Punk/Hard Rock/Death Metal bands, so getting gigs wasn't that big of a problem. Aaron Riley was soon replaced with Bruce Ecklove "Bassist" We played a couple garage shows, and a rave untill Brandon Swanson then decided it was time for him to part ways due to complications with Cody "drummer" Mica Watzz "Lead Guitar" joined the band and the sound was just getting better and better. We played many underground gigs, a local punk house called "The Disaster House" with this line up. Until one night Cody was to wasted to play a show, minutes before we were going on. Josh Huston "Drums" just happend to be at the show, with his kit in the van, he only knew a song or two by the band but we played the full set, a little off beat, but it rocked so fucking hard everyone knew we had found what we never had before. The Shows have gotten sooo much better, the sound has grown into something so solid. We have became great friends, and we all throw our ideas together to create our tunes. The only fight we have had has been over a bean burrito. The line up today, and will not change, unless something crazy happens like we die or some shit is Isaac Hare "Vocals" Mica Watzz "Lead Guitar" Bruce Ecklove "Bassist" Josh Huston "Drums"

1 comment:

  1. Mean kick ass sounding band. Rock is still in the game!
