Sunday, February 8, 2009

Episode 17: Another Neurotic Episode

Another day, another episode. Join us once again in the garage! 

Episode 17 was originally released to Loud, Fast and Shitty Podcast Show on February 8, 2009

Observations and show notes from this episode

1. Ick is dignified (at what?)

2. Bob plays a track from one of his old bands from the 90's

3. Ick owns a Madball CD from back in the day.

4. Blip has an affinity for just about any band from Gainesville.

Music Featured on Episode #17

1. Knucklehead - On Your Own Again

2. Headshock - Redlight

3. Too Many Daves - Couch Surfin' USA

4. L.E.S. Stitches - Panic At The Fireside Bowl

5. The Shaking Hands - I Believe This Knife Is Yours

6. Moral Decline - The FCC Can Suck On My Balls

7. Propagandhi - Fuck The Border

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